
Dell IdeaStorm - connecting with customers

Did you know that most Dell customers would like a ' clean ' software install, without Google or AOL being installed.

Or that a large proportion of their users / advocates would like to have web cams as standard on their laptops ?

Normally this information comes from focus groups ( which by their very nature are expensive and not able to fully embrace the reach of the web ) or through online surveys - which once marketing lay their hands upon tend to request too much information - hence devaluing the information integrity.

In this case the above are real world examples of what customers, potential customers are saying about Dell products , not in a technology forum divorced from their context of the brand and products , but directly on Dell’s
IdeaStorm online community.

Dell’s position has always been to cut out the middle man and work directly with it’s clients – IdeaStorm brings a much needed closeness that the outsourcing of call centres and order processing of past has damaged, this openness to adopting blog’s has in effect made every Dell employee a customer facing employee.

The trick now is to ensure is follows through and executes on the valuable feedback it receives – not by just
building a faster horse but by hopefully tipping the balance on decisions that can give it the valuable jump on it’s competition it so desperately needs.

marketing, marketing technology, marketing, marketing technology, marketing,marketing, marketing technology, marketing, marketing technology, marketing,marketing, marketing technology, marketing, marketing technology, marketing,

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