
Cadbury - Gorilla marketing ?

Not too long ago Cadbury was in the press for links to salmonella, a bacterium famously associated to the eggs of chickens.

Just 3 months have passed and now animals and Cadbury are in the press again, this time a drum playing Gorilla.

This is about as close as I can get as to associate the advert and the product it is trying to promote.

Recent activity on Youtube (nearly a million views) and social sites indicates this ad is a contender to be in the ‘ viral campaign ‘of the year award and demonstrates well how Fallon, (Cadbury’s agency) have managed to produce an ad that works both on television and online. marketing technology

marketing technology


6000 said...

It was always a tenuous link, but it all collapses when you note that Salmonella isn't actually a virus - it's a bacterium.


Trevor Attridge said...

The link did not pay off.. Amended and thank you.